Special Events Committee
General Information
The Special Events Committee is formed by the City Council under Section 2-54 of the Belle Isle Municipal Code. The Committee shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, and 5 other members who will be appointed by the City Council. Members appointed by the Council may be at-large appointments. Members will serve three-year terms with the exception that the first appointments will be four 3-year terms and 3 2-year terms to provide for staggered terms and allow for continuity of membership.
The Special Events Committee’s purpose is to organize, plan, and prepare for “special events” that the City can either host or attend. It should be emphasized that memberships on an Advisory Committee do not carry any administrative powers. The Advisory Committee cannot implement its recommendations without formal approval from the City Council. All expenditures of funds, as well as legislative decisions, are only made by the City Council (by motion or Resolution) prior to implementation.
The Special Events Committee meets every third Wednesday of the month at City Hall.
Contact the Board via email specialevents@belleislefl.gov or call City Hall at 407-851-7730.