Planning and Zoning Board

General Information

The Planning and Zoning Board regulates development through land use classifications and dimensional standards. The board is comprised of seven members, each appointed by their district commissioner. Each case must comply with dimensional standards that regulate the height, bulk, and area of structures. These dimensional standards typically take the form of setbacks, side yards, height limits, minimum lot sizes, and lot coverage limits. The city’s zoning regulations are found in the Code of Ordinances, which is maintained by the Municipal Code Corporation.


The Planning and Zoning Department ensures that the quality of life in Belle Isle is maintained and enhanced by providing vision, fostering good design, and guiding development. The department administers the Land Development Code and provides information about the zoning codes to residents, property owners, and business owners. The Board serves as the liaison to the Planning and Zoning Department, as well as to the mayor and council.


Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall and are open to the public. Unless otherwise posted. Please call City Hall to confirm agenda items for the current month.