Election Information

Signature Observation: The Supervisor of the Elections Office will start signature observation on Monday, February 10, 2025.

The Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office will begin Vote-by-Mail voter certificate signature comparison on ballots received for the March 11, 2025, for the City of Belle Isle Municipal Election, starting on February 10, 2025, at 10 AM and ending at 5 PM. Signature comparison times may vary based on volume. Signature comparison on ballot materials, including cure affidavits, will continue each business day, up to and including Election Day, on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, and will be conducted continuously until the first unofficial results are obtained. Interested parties may reserve at the Orange County Supervisor of Elections website at www.ocfelections.gov.


La Oficina del Supervisor de Elecciones del Condado de Orange comenzará la comparación de firmas de certificados de votante de Voto por Correo en las boletas recibidas para las Elecciones Municipales del 11 de marzo de 2025 Cuidad de Belle Isle, comenzando el 10 de febrero de 2025 a las 10 a.m. y finalizando a las 5 p.m. Los tiempos de comparación de firmas pueden variar según el volumen. La comparación de firmas en los materiales electorales, incluidas las declaraciones juradas de subsanación, continuará todos los días hábiles, hasta el día de las elecciones, el martes 11 de marzo de 2025 inclusive, y se llevará a cabo de forma continua hasta que se obtengan los primeros resultados no oficiales. Las partes interesadas pueden hacer reservas en el sitio web del Supervisor de Elecciones del Condado de Orange en www.ocfelections.gov.



The City of Belle Isle Municipal Election will be held at City Hall on March 11, 2025. For this Municipal Election, all Belle Isle residents' Polling place is Belle Isle City Hall, 1600 Nela Avenue, Belle Isle, FL.

The Municipal Election Logic and Accuracy testing (L&A) of voting equipment before the 2025 March 11 Municipal General Election will be held on Thursday, Feb 27, 2025, at 10 am and is open to the public.  For more canvassing and voter information, the Supervisor of Elections Office (SOE) can be contacted at 407-836-2070 or at www.ocfelections.gov.

For a Vote-by-Mail ballot, call 407-836-VOTE (8683) - The last day to subscribe to vote by mail is February 27, 2025.

After the L&A Testing, the machines will be available for early voting and election day. Anyone wanting to vote early must go to the SOE Office on Kaley Street.

Early Voting: March 3rd through March 7th, 2025, at the Supervisor of Elections office, 119 West Kaley St, Orlando, FL 32806 - Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM.

Please be on the lookout for the sample ballot and early voting card in your mailbox.