2024-03 Landscape Maintenance
The City of Belle Isle, Florida, requests sealed bids for completing the LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP), including all labor, materials, and equipment. The expected start date for this contract will be on or about June 10, 2024. The bids will be received at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 1600 Nela Avenue, Belle Isle, Florida, 32809, until August 1, 2024, no later than 3:00 pm (EST). At that time, bids will be opened in the Council Chambers Room, 1600 Nela Avenue, Belle Isle, FL 32809, and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the above time and date will be returned unopened.
There will be a mandatory pre-proposal meeting and tour. Before submitting a bid, each bidder shall have the opportunity to examine the Project thoroughly and fully understand the conditions that may affect the work proposed. Failure to inspect the Sites will in no way relieve the successful contractor from the necessity of furnishing any materials or performing any labor necessary for the satisfactory completion of the work.
The mandatory meeting and project tour date is JULY 17, 2024, at 10:00 am. All bidders are invited to tour the property at that time. Each bidder will be allowed to ask questions and receive property information. Inquiries for specific information will not be entertained before the aforementioned tours.
The City of Belle Isle Procurement does not maintain a vendor database but utilizes DemandStar (www.demandstar.com) to provide current bid information, including automated bid solicitation notifications. The system allows you to receive the information quickly, whenever and wherever you choose, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Effective immediately, all solicitations issued by the City of Belle Isle Procurement will be posted and available through DemandStar. Submittals should be sent to City Hall Physical address.