RFP 23-04 Comprehensive Plan Update
Notice is hereby given that the City of Belle Isle, Florida, will receive proposals from planning consultants to prepare and develop a comprehensive plan.
Sealed proposals may be submitted to City Clerk’s Office, 1600 Nela Avenue, Belle Isle, Florida 32809, until February 9, 2023, at 3 P.M.
All documents and proposal details are available at no cost, at any time at www.belleislefl.gov.
Yolanda Quiceno, City Clerk - Ad Date: January 5, 2023
I. Introduction and Background
The City of Belle Isle, Florida, a Florida municipal corporation (“City"), is requesting proposals to prepare a Comprehensive Plan (“the Plan”).
The City of Belle Isle is a Florida Home Rule City incorporated in 1924 and operates under the Council/Manager form of government. Located along Lake Conway and its chain of lakes, the City strives to continuously preserve its natural resources and enhance the quality of life of its residents to provide a safe, serene Florida community. The City of Belle Isle provides amenities in the areas of general administration; public safety (police); planning and development; stormwater, and sanitation (solid waste and recycling). Other services are contracted through Orange County. Additional information about the City is available at the City’s website: www.belleislefl.gov.
The City Council (“the Council”) authorized the City to advertise a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) seeking planning professionals to help with the development and update of a Comprehensive Plan. The last update to the City’s Comprehensive Plan was in 2008, and the City wishes to have an updated document setting forth goals for land development, economic development, resiliency, sustainability, transportation, accessibility, and open space preservation. The Council will create a Comprehensive Plan Committee (“the Committee”) comprised of a Council Member, selected staff, and residents to work with the selected planning professional (“the Planner”).
II. Instructions to Respondents
a. Five (5) paper copies of the technical proposal shall be submitted to the City, clearly marked with the words “Technical Proposal, Comprehensive Plan. RFP #23-04” Additionally, five (5) paper copies of the cost proposal should be submitted in SEPARATE sealed envelopes clearly marked “Cost Proposal, Comprehensive Plan.”
b. No proposals will be accepted by any other method.
c. All bids must be received no later than 3 p.m. on February 9, 2023.
d. Proposals should be delivered to the following address by U.S. Postal Service, a private carrier/courier, or in person:
Raquel Lozano, City Planner
City of Belle Isle
1600 Nela Avenue
Belle Isle, FL 32809
e. Each proposal shall include all data and forms requested by this RFP in Section IV, Proposal Content.
f. The City expects to award the RFP in March of 2023, and once submitted, no proposal may be withdrawn.
g. Information submitted in the proposals may be subject to public disclosure pursuant to federal and state laws.
h. A Non-Mandatory consultant informational meeting will be held on Thursday, January 12, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. to answer questions about the plan expectations and project scope. This is not a mandatory meeting; however, failure to attend will in no way relieve the proposer from the necessity of furnishing any and all information for the proposal.