Road Closure Stafford Dr and Pam Cir
Residents in the vicinity of Stafford Drive and Pam Circle:
During intense periods of rain, the west area of Stafford Drive and Pam Circle flooded and stayed flooded for a long time after the rain event ends. This is due to the inefficiency and degradation of the swale over some time. To correct this problem, the City will be reconditioning the swale on the south side of Stafford Drive between the west intersection with Pam Circle and 1710 Stafford Drive (approximately 140 feet).
Although we would like to provide a more extended notice, due to the timing of the contractor's availability, the project could start as early as Thursday, April 29th. The project will be to excavate the swale down to the 6" underdrain. The City will inspect that underdrain to make sure it's working. Then the City will install two wrapped perforated 12" pipes and backfill with gravel and sand. The surface will be re-sodded.
During this construction period, we have to close off Pam Circle at the west intersection of Stafford Drive and Pam Circle to stockpile the materials needed for this project. This should only be for a few days, so residents in this area will have to use the east side of Pam Circle for travel. If you have any questions on this project, please contact the City Manager at (407) 851-7730 or email at Thank you for your patience and cooperation.