ITB 22-01 Removal, Transport and Placement of Building
ISSUE DATE: March 7, 2022
OPENING DATE: March 31, 2022
The City of Belle Isle invites bids for ITB No. 22-01: Removal, Transport, and Placement of Building.
Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at City Hall, City of Belle Isle, 1600 Nela Ave., Belle Isle, Florida, at 3:00 PM EST on March 31, 2022. Bids must be SUBMITTED ON THE FORMS FURNISHED BY THE CITY and in accordance with specifications and the list of quantities desired.
A non-mandatory Pre-Bid walk-through will occur on March 17, 2022, at 10:30 AM, starting at the removal site, which is 5903 Randolph Ave, Belle Isle, FL 32809. The building sits on the southeast corner of Randolph and Waltham Avenues intersection. Attendance at walk-through is not mandatory to qualify to bid project; however, failure to inspect the Site will not relieve the successful Contractor from the necessity of furnishing any materials or performing any labor necessary for the satisfactory completion of the Work.
Respondents are advised that from the date of release of this solicitation until the award of the contract, no contact with City personnel related to this solicitation is permitted. All communications are directed to the City Representative and sole contact listed below.
It is the intent and purpose of the City of Belle Isle that this Invitation to Bid promotes competitive bidding. It shall be the Bidder's responsibility to advise the City Manager's Office at the address noted in the Special Conditions if any language, requirements, etc., or any combination thereof, inadvertently restricts or limits the requirements stated in this Invitation Bid to a single source. Such notification must be submitted in writing and received by the City Manager's Office no later than ten (10) days before the Bid opening date.