RFP 21-05 Pipe Lining of Stormwater Pipe Rehabilitation

Bid/RFP Status: 
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Monday, June 28, 2021 - 3:00am
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 


Advertisement for Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) for Stormwater Pipe Rehabilitation

Notice is hereby given that the City of Belle Isle is soliciting bids for ITB #21-05 CURED IN PLACE PIPE (CIPP) for STORMWATER PIPE REHABILITATION. Bids will be accepted in the City Clerk’s Office, Belle Isle City Hall, 1600 Nela Avenue, Belle Isle, Florida 32809 until 3:00 P.M. on July 1, 2021, which may be amended by addendum issued by the City. All untimely Bids will not be considered and will be returned to the Bidder unopened. All Bids will be evaluated to ensure they contain all required forms in order to deem the Bidder responsive or non-responsive. Bids will be opened and read aloud at 3:00 P.M. in Council Chambers located at 1600 Nela Avenue, Belle Isle, Florida 32809.  There will be no Pre-Bid Conference for this RFP.

A Bid Guarantee in the form of a Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and an acceptable surety or a certified check or bank draft payable to the City of Belle Isle, Florida in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the proposed bid shall be submitted with each submission

DESCRIPTION: The City of Belle Isle is soliciting sealed bids for the purpose of occurring services for the professional cured in place pipe rehabilitation services for stormwater mains on a continuing annual contract basis. Bidders must be a commercial entity licensed to do business in the State of Florida and perform the services identified herein.

Copies of the documents and all other pertinent information necessary to submit a complete package may be obtained electronically from the City of Belle Isle website at  www.belleislefl.gov.  All questions shall be directed in writing to the Engineer, David Taylor, davidt@harriscivilengineers.com or   Nicole Lund, Nicolel@harriscivilengineers.com  and reference “Questions on Belle Isle ITB #21-05  (CIPP)” in the subject line. The last day for questions will be June 22, 2021, at 5:00 P.M.

No bids received after the time and date specified for the opening will be considered. The City of Belle Isle, Florida reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any and all non-substantial irregularity in Bids received, whenever such waiver or rejection is in the best interest of the City.

Bids shall be submitted to the City Manager’s office with one (1) original and two (2) copies and one (1) identical digital (CD or flash drive) version in PDF format, addressed to Bob Francis, City Manager, 1600 Nela Avenue, Belle Isle, Florida 32809 in a SEALED ENVELOPE/PACKAGE plainly marked on the outside: “ITB #21-05 CURED IN PLACE PIPE (CIPP) for STORMWATER PIPE REHABILITATION.”

Bob Francis – City Manager

Legal Ad - One Time – May 26, 2021