Connection Newsletter April-June 2021

Apri-June 2021 Newsletter Cover

E-Alert: Pet Hurricane Preparation 

In the Apr-Jun City newsletter, there were tips given on how to prepare for the 2021 Hurricane Season which officially began on June 1. There was mention made not to forget about your pets. This E-Alert is to provide additional tips for including pets in your household disaster preparedness plans. During a storm, pets also require stocked disaster supply kits with food, water, and toys that can last at least seven days. Basic items to have in your pet’s disaster supply kit include:

•    Nonperishable pet food and water
•    Sturdy leashes/harnesses or pet carriers
•    Veterinary records and medications
•    Pet toys and beds 

Pet owners should also consider getting their pets microchipped during hurricane season to ensure you can find your pet in the event you are separated during a storm. Remember, do not leave pets behind during a storm. Per F.S. 252.3568, every county is required to have at least one shelter that can accommodate residents with pets. 

For more information on how to prepare your pets for this year’s hurricane season, visit